
The original impetus behind zoning was to protect public health and welfare by ensuring that neighboring land uses are compatible.

The residential neighborhood surrounding Head-Royce School is zoned Hillside Residential Zone-4 (RH-4) and Detached Unit Residential Zone-1 (RD-1).

In Oakland, Conditional Use Permits, known as CUPs, are granted only when all of the following findings can be made:

The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development will be compatible with and will not adversely affect the livability or appropriate development of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood, with consideration to be given to:

  1. Harmony in scale, bulk, coverage, and density; to harmful effect, if any, upon desirable neighborhood character;
  2. The generation of traffic and the capacity of surrounding streets; and
  3. Any other relevant impact of the development.
  4. That the proposed development will enhance the successful operation of the surrounding area in its basic community functions or will provide an essential service to the community or region.


Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Head Royce School

For information on how the City of Oakland has decided to regulate the Head-Royce School's operations, please see the Document Archive section of this website. There you will find the Final Head Royce Conditions of Approval, dated June 7, 2016 and the Findings and Conditions of Approval, dated January 22, 2018, for the HRS's lease of the playing field at Ability Now.